Sports Clubs

Sutton Cricket Club
Sutton-in-Craven Cricket Club was formed around 1902 by the Vicar, playing friendly matches. By 1904, under the Rev A R Light, they joined the "SKIPTON JUNIOR CRICKET LEAGUE". The team was known as Sutton Church, and to play for the team the members had to be church goers.
In 1933 the team, which was now called Sutton Parish, joined the West Bradford League. Team membership had been thrown open to all men in the parish. They re-joined the Craven League in 1940 but after 1941 the team was not in the league owing to the Second World War, with the shortage of players etc.
Sutton Cricket Club, as it was now known, re-joined the Craven League in 1946 and shared the championship with J Nelson's, and in 1947 won the WYNN Cup.
During the war the cricket ground was used for friendly matches between local factories, and the Home Guard and ARP Wardens.
Although not winning the WYNN Cup since 1947, the club has won the Keighley Cup a few times - the first team in 1994 and the second team in 1984 and 1997.
Now the club is still going strong with two senior and four junior teams still playing on the same ground after 100 years.
In 2009 the club achieved the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) Clubmark accreditation, the first club in the Craven League to achieve this recognition.
In September 2013 the club purchased the freehold of the ground thereby securing its future use as a cricket field.
In June 2016 the club officially opened our new clubhouse.

Sutton Juniors
Sutton Juniors was formed in 1998 by Simon and Alison Town and was joined by Mr Phil Naylor who became president.
The Club was originally called Sutton Rascals but was renamed Sutton Juniors.
Teams are named Rascals(A), Rogues(B) & Rebels(C).
Initially it was just the one team at U7 and as the years have gone by more teams have been added. Today there are 21 teams ranging from under 7 right to adult.
There is also a development squad at under 5 & under 6, these are called 'Little Rascals!'
In 2010 Sutton Juniors became an FA Charter Standard Club.
In 2012 with the aid of a Football Foundation Grow the Game Grant a girls’ team was added.
The teams have been playing across four venues around the Sutton-In-Craven area, these are...
Sutton Park - U7's, U8's & U9's
Glusburn School - U10's, U13's & U 14's
Malsis School - U11's & U12's
South Craven School - U15's, U16's & open Age (Adults)
The club play in the local leagues which are Craven, Aire & Wharfe - Keybury - Dales Friendly - Mastab's Craven District.
The Club has a Constitution and holds an AGM every year.

Sutton-in-Craven Bowling Club

Bowls or lawn bowls is a sport in which the objective is to roll biased balls so that they stop close to a smaller ball called a "jack" or "kitty". It is played on a bowling green which may be flat (for "flat-green bowls") or convex or uneven (for "crown green bowls"). It is normally played outdoors (although there are many indoor venues) and the outdoor surface is either natural grass, artificial turf, or cotula (in New Zealand).
Sutton-in-Craven Bowling Green
The bowling green now set in front of the Jubilee Pavilion 0pened to the public, in May 1913, on Whit Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
It is set one metre into the shallow park slope to achieve its level, and is 37m square, surrounded by a channel backed by a high concrete pin kerb.
No person under the age of sixteen was allowed to play on the green.
Mr A. Clough school master won the first cup final.
In 1913, the J. E. Laycock, competition cup was held. There were ninety-seven competitors and a large number of spectators. The semi-final tie, competitors were A. Dickinson and Wilson Davy, A. Overend and John Dave, the Davy’s were father and son.
Skipton and District Bowling Association (Merit league)
Worth Valley Vets
Airedale and Wharfdale League